Leadership • Experience • Results

About Us

Our History
“If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t, either way you are right.”
-Henry Ford

Lideres Business Advisors was built with the innate belief that there are no impossibilities, just answers that take a little more time to arrive at.

Lideres was founded by Bill Tonelli. The driving need was to serve business clients in alignment with John Wesley’s philosophy “Make all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can.” Bill brings over 40 years of business and professional experience and leadership to the helm of Lideres to put into practice John Wesley’s philosophy.

Whatever the situation your business might be in, Lideres can put the team in place to guide you through managed growth, acquisition, divestiture, estate or trust planning, or any other business decision you are considering that will help you achieve your goals.

Leadership for Entrepreneurs
Thomas Edison famously said “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” At Lideres, we strive to get to the one percent. We believe that profound inspiration occurs when collaborative leadership happens between our team and our clients. Understanding your goals, discussing the risks, creating a plan, and then executing the strategy usually results in achieving your goals. It’s right there in our motto: Leadership • Expertise • Results.

If you’re ready to get to the inspiration and lead your business to more profitability, contact us for a consultation.

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